About Math Web Gems

Math Web Gems is a site of math materials that have been carefully selected to enhance the Reinventing-the-wheel-cartoonclassroom, share curriculum, and make teaching math more fun for kids and easier for teachers.  We do not believe that teachers should be isolated in their classrooms, or even in their school cultures. Web 2.0 technology allows teachers to create and share their work  on the internet. Why spend hours creating curriculum to interest your students when just a few clicks away another teacher in Australia has already done the work and offered it to the world for free?  Don’t reinvent the wheel!

Included are videos to be used in the classroom, math teacher blogs for professional development, multimediafree and commercial curriculum sites where you can get free lesson plans, links to professional math organizations, and loads of technology tools for making the classroom a more fun and effective place..  Happy hunting!

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